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Do It Yourself ("DIY") Volunteering provides a meaningful way to engage volunteers in a non-traditional way.

HandsOn South Florida offers a variety of DIY project options throughout the year. For these projects, you'll provide the supplies.
All projects are designed to be low-cost. We provide you the instructions for completing the project, along with information on the benefiting agency.

Important DIY Project information:

  • To get credit for completing the DIY Project and request documentation, please fill out the electronic form. CLICK HERE for the DIY Documentation Form
  • DIY Projects can be dropped off or mailed to the HandsOn South Florida office. The address and detailed drop off instructions can be found in each project's instruction packet. 
  • If you have any questions, email Alexandria Persad at apersad@handsonsouthflorida.org.


Current Projects

Hygiene Kits

A Place in Time strives to fight food insecurity and care for local families with respect, kindness, love, and compassion. Their mission is to bring HOPE by Helping Others Excel in Purposeful Living.

This month’s DIY project invites volunteers to collect items and assemble hygiene kits and handmade cards for the individuals and families served by A Place in Time.

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