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The Literacy League is a collaborative partnership being coordinated by The Children’s Services Council of Broward County. Together with the School Board of Broward County and the Early Learning Coalition of Broward County, they have convened a large group of community stakeholders, agencies, and cities committed to Broward Reads The Campaign For Grade-Level Reading. What is the Broward Reads initiative? It is to ensure that every child is reading at grade level by the 3rd grade, which is a critical milestone.
You can support the Broward Reads initiative to improve these statistics by volunteering as a reading coach, mentor, or tutor.
You have an opportunity to help a child who is learning to read, so that they may begin reading to learn.
The impact you make on their ability to read can have far-reaching effects, and even boost their confidence in other areas of life.
Since 1974, HandsOn South Florida has been providing & highlighting meaningful ways for the community to support causes they're passionate about. If you are passionate about early childhood education and the Broward Reads initiative, reach out to us about joining The Literacy League.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Literacy League
Super Reader Book Bundles
Book Sorting & Packing Days
Book Donations
School-Based Programs
ReadingPals Program
Foster Grandparent Program
Greater Horizons Academy
Foundation Montessori Preschool
Summer Programs
Summer BreakSpot Reading Ambassador
Broward Reads For The Record
Real Men Read
Back To School Extravaganza
Countdown to Kindergarten
Click here to view the latest Broward Reads Newsletter
Do you have a childhood education-based program and need volunteers? Contact our Literacy Outreach Coordinator to talk about becoming a partner of HandsOn South Florida to help your agency recruit and retain volunteers.
Contact Us
Literacy Outreach Manager
Jenny Del Valle: (954)233-1290