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Developed by HandsOn Broward to enhance hands-on learning that supports children’s health and education, STREAMscapes delivers outdoor experiential classrooms that incorporate vital academic elements of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) while also integrating the Arts for imaginative problem-solving and an often-overlooked, but equally essential, learning component: Reflection.

HandsOn Broward’s STREAMscapes classroom will provide middle school students with the full spectrum of STREAM in an experiential-based learning process. Many students understand classroom concepts but do not see how these concepts apply to real-world situations. Giving students hands-on projects that allow them to think actively, act and see the fruits of their thought and labor reinforces the importance of their work in the classroom and the necessity of their learning. For example, through the act of hands-on gardening, classroom lessons about the benefits of growing healthy fruits and vegetables are enhanced by an experiential understanding of the multitude of things that affect each plant’s life cycle.

In the coming months, HandsOn Broward will work with faculty and students from McNicol Middle School, STEM professionals, designers, local artists and volunteers to develop a classroom model that enhances and elevates the school’s existing programming. HOB's STREAMscapes program will transform McNicol’s campus into a vibrant outdoor learning experience. Using this multilayered, interactive classroom approach integrates the three learning styles--visual, auditory and kinesthetic--to ensure that every child can shine. By deepening the learning process in this way, students will strengthen their inter-connectivity to their surroundings and to others, and they will build a sense of civic responsibility. They also will enhance their personal development by increasing self-awareness, sense of community and belief in their own capacities. This program combines the best of dynamic, hands-on STREAM education with quiet, meditative places that give middle school students the opportunity to reflect, analyze concepts, evaluate experiences and form opinions in a safe and healthy green space.

For more information and STREAMscapes sponsorship opportunities, please contact Kristina DaSilva at 954-233-1293 or